I used Ottobre 03-2008-35, it was her choice.
I made it first in some old fabric I had around. I made size146, as that's my niece's exact height. It was HUGE!!! I had to narrow every part of it.
I also had to shorten it a lot, but that's because this is the way my sister wanted it.
When we finally had the pattern fixed, I asked my niece to select fabric. This is what she choose.. dark pant's fabric.
I am so glad my girls still prefer colorful dresses… (and longer dresses )
Anyway, this is the final outcome!
As for the instructions…
This issue is what my parents bought for me from Germany… meaning I have it written in I don't know what language… but it's not English. Still, t is a very easy pattern, and if my niece asks for another dress, it should be easy enough.
I am now preparing a matching bolero for her… Will show pictures when ready!
The dress fits her beautifully. I noticed that Ottobre patterns have a wide fit, and Burda patterns suit slim children much better. I agree with you about preferring colorful dresses :-)