OK then, I really don't need any clothes for my little ones (well, except for some pants for my boy... but I don't bother with those.. I just buy the cheapest that I find). Still, in the latest Ottobre I saw this really cute pattern.. I could not resist it.
It is constructed really funny.. the sleeves are cut with the bodice, and the seam is in the bodice center. It's unique...
Now, here's the problem - I can do with lightweight knit, but it'll mean I'll have to hem this lightweight curvy knit, which I'm not good with... and it'll only be good for a month or so, then the winter begins and heavier cloths are required.
So I decided to use fleece.. It's a problematic fabric choice because the fleece stretches to one side only.. this means that if the bodies stretches the sleeve doesn't stretch. I decided to take the risk.
Since non of my fleece fabrics was patterned, I needed a way to cheer the tunic up. I decided to use appliques that I bought long ago. Just ironed them on. Then I showed my 3.5 years the tunic and she LOVED it.. but my son felt neglected. I had to make him a top also. I used the Harava (01-2009-22) top from Ottobre.
So.. to the reviews
Both tops are great. For both I used high quality fleece. size 92.
Kimono Sleeve top
This is the way it looks after 4 times it's been washed...
The kimono top fits perfectly on little girl. The instructions are great, I really love the way it looks. The problem is, that the applique I used doesn't hold very well in laundry. So, for the second top I made her, I made the applique myself, using a free pattern that I downloaded years ago. (look here.. I love this applique)
Nothing problematic about the instruction. real cute, really special looking. My 8 years old also asked for such a top, in pink fleece. I just need to get more fleece..
Mode it twice. will probably make it again...
Harava top
I used size 92cm. A bit wide on my son. But CUTE. For the first version (the blue one) I used neck binding. For the second version I used neck facing.
I don't like it as much...
It turned out way too wide, so I guess we can use for sleeping, but it's too bad...
I have much more I want to make. As always, I guess I will not have time for all... but on the to-do list I have
Two tops for myself
Two toys that I promised my little ones (monkeys, or snails...)
dress for my tween and for my 8 years old
Bag for myself
I have some photos from my tween's 11th birthday.. but I think it'll wait. This post turned out long anyway..
Have a good weekend all!
I am the mother of two adorable girls, and two little babies. I started sewing for them, and got hooked! This blog is to share my crafty experiences with you! Hope you enjoy it! Miki
Friday, November 21, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Ottobre 1/2014 #25 Funny Faces Dress
So, my October's new pattern is Funny faces, from Ottobre. It's getting colder here, and my 3 years old girl loves dresses... and the pattern seems easy enough. so I tried.
For my first attempt I used size 92cm (my girl is about that size), and changed nothing from the pattern. (actually I lengthed the sleeves. they seemed to short..) I used a stretch white fabric leftover from my older girls' dresses. and on top I put stretch floral lace, which I had sitting around for ages...
This is what i got (not great pictures, I know)
So you can see the sleeves are too long... my error.. also the dress is too wide for my taste, and the skirt just isn't twirling enough... still, my girl loves it.
For the next dress I made some changes - I narrowed the upper part, kept the sleeve length at the original size (which turned out to be just fine), and used a circle skirt instead if the gathered skirt. I took the pattern piece from the maria dress I made so many times... I like this option of a skirt because
1. very twirly
2. very easy to sew - no gathering needed
3. no need to hem if I don't want to (and I didn't want to) because I cut it once on two folds... no seams in the skirt at all..
so here's the second version
I like the dress much more this way, and I know I'll make it many more times.... maybe also for my 7.5 years old. a good basic dress.
For the coming few weeks I plan two make some log sleeves tops for myself... and If find a good winter dress for my tween it'll be great, it's her birthday soon.. so I have many cakes in the pipeline. Will not have time for sewing... again..
For my first attempt I used size 92cm (my girl is about that size), and changed nothing from the pattern. (actually I lengthed the sleeves. they seemed to short..) I used a stretch white fabric leftover from my older girls' dresses. and on top I put stretch floral lace, which I had sitting around for ages...
This is what i got (not great pictures, I know)
So you can see the sleeves are too long... my error.. also the dress is too wide for my taste, and the skirt just isn't twirling enough... still, my girl loves it.
For the next dress I made some changes - I narrowed the upper part, kept the sleeve length at the original size (which turned out to be just fine), and used a circle skirt instead if the gathered skirt. I took the pattern piece from the maria dress I made so many times... I like this option of a skirt because
1. very twirly
2. very easy to sew - no gathering needed
3. no need to hem if I don't want to (and I didn't want to) because I cut it once on two folds... no seams in the skirt at all..
so here's the second version
I like the dress much more this way, and I know I'll make it many more times.... maybe also for my 7.5 years old. a good basic dress.
For the coming few weeks I plan two make some log sleeves tops for myself... and If find a good winter dress for my tween it'll be great, it's her birthday soon.. so I have many cakes in the pipeline. Will not have time for sewing... again..
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
new casual dress.. and some new year's decisions
It's the new year's eve now... it got me to think a little about this past year and what I hope for in the year to come.
It was not an easy year.. in any way. The school year for both my daughters was difficult, and running after two three years old is not easy either. High-tec jobs for both m husband and myself mean many hours of not being home... and a permanent feeling of guilt..
Would my girls do better in school if I were a Stay-at-home-mom? Do I work good enough even though I insist on leaving work in time to see my kids in the evening? did I make the right decision putting my twins into one kindergarten instead of separating them, just to make it easier for me? have less parents' meetings? GUILT!!!!
And on top of that I have his guilt of not using all my fabrics... not using all my patterns...
So for the coming year I hope.. well, PEACE!!! (this was a difficult year in that aspect also!). HEALTH (I was supposed to go fabric shopping last Friday and had to cancel it since my little girl got sick... again!!! and as I'm writing I have two kids throwing up every now and then.. It's virus zone here!)
And.. I hope the school year gets better! My tween is starting to be.. well, a tween, with the moody behavior that comes with it. My 7.5 years old just refuses to study.. school is a social event for her. An opportunity to meet friends. The teacher and what she has to say... are irrelevant :-). Please, I need this school year to go better!!!!
For me I hope to have more time for myself... and less guilt to go around... and as much creativity and fun and fabric as possible!
So here's what I've done. I saw around the new the Comino top dress. It looks amazing. I decided to make my own... It didn't work out exactly as planned though.
I traced my own pattern from RTW dress that I have for years now. I changed the sleeves to look like the comino top, and the top front and back to match MCCALL 6435, which I own for years now/
I made two version... the first was from heavy fabrics, just to try the fit. It was narrow in the armpits and a bit too wide.
It looks OK for a muslin, but I doubt I'll ever wear it. It's not comfortable because the fabrics are very heavy..
I repeated in my "good" fabrics
I think it looks OK.. but not what I hoped for. Does anyone have suggestion how to fix? maybe it's just not right for my body type????
Now that I look at the pictures I actually get depressed... I promised myself to get into shape this year, and I'have done nothing...
Well, I am adding this to my new year's decision. I have to lose at least 5 KGs by next year!!! have to!!!! Happy new year all!
It was not an easy year.. in any way. The school year for both my daughters was difficult, and running after two three years old is not easy either. High-tec jobs for both m husband and myself mean many hours of not being home... and a permanent feeling of guilt..
Would my girls do better in school if I were a Stay-at-home-mom? Do I work good enough even though I insist on leaving work in time to see my kids in the evening? did I make the right decision putting my twins into one kindergarten instead of separating them, just to make it easier for me? have less parents' meetings? GUILT!!!!
And on top of that I have his guilt of not using all my fabrics... not using all my patterns...
So for the coming year I hope.. well, PEACE!!! (this was a difficult year in that aspect also!). HEALTH (I was supposed to go fabric shopping last Friday and had to cancel it since my little girl got sick... again!!! and as I'm writing I have two kids throwing up every now and then.. It's virus zone here!)
And.. I hope the school year gets better! My tween is starting to be.. well, a tween, with the moody behavior that comes with it. My 7.5 years old just refuses to study.. school is a social event for her. An opportunity to meet friends. The teacher and what she has to say... are irrelevant :-). Please, I need this school year to go better!!!!
For me I hope to have more time for myself... and less guilt to go around... and as much creativity and fun and fabric as possible!
So here's what I've done. I saw around the new the Comino top dress. It looks amazing. I decided to make my own... It didn't work out exactly as planned though.
I traced my own pattern from RTW dress that I have for years now. I changed the sleeves to look like the comino top, and the top front and back to match MCCALL 6435, which I own for years now/
I made two version... the first was from heavy fabrics, just to try the fit. It was narrow in the armpits and a bit too wide.
It looks OK for a muslin, but I doubt I'll ever wear it. It's not comfortable because the fabrics are very heavy..
I repeated in my "good" fabrics
I think it looks OK.. but not what I hoped for. Does anyone have suggestion how to fix? maybe it's just not right for my body type????
Now that I look at the pictures I actually get depressed... I promised myself to get into shape this year, and I'have done nothing...
Well, I am adding this to my new year's decision. I have to lose at least 5 KGs by next year!!! have to!!!! Happy new year all!
Friday, September 5, 2014
one new pattern every month...
Well, the school year just started!
It feels more like the a new year than the formal new year holiday that will be in three weeks. So i made some new years decisions...
My number 1 decision - buy less patterns! Since I started buy pdf patterns I buy way too much.. and only use half... at best. So, NO! buy one only, and only if this is my next item in my to do list!
My second decision is - use as much stash fabric as I can.. I have so much cottons, some of it I should use really fast, before my three years old grows out of the childish prints...
My third decision - when I find a stretch fabric that I like.. buy a lot of it... I never have enough of these..
My forth decision - try at least one new pattern every month. The rest can be doing the same thing over and over because I usually make leggings and simple tops for me. But at least one new pattern a month should help me learn new things...
So here's the new pattern of September - Mccall 6066. It is a simple skirt with two layers, one is attached to the waist to make it look unique. The sizing is 3-6.
I made size 3 for my three years old. I just looked at the instructions briefly to make sure I understand how to use all the pattern pieces... didn't even bother to read. It really is a very easy pattern!
Sizing is a bit big - I think the skirt I made will be great also for next year, all I will have to do is change the elastic... maybe even another year. It is that big!
Changes I made to this pattern - well, I wanted the skirt to be for the first day of kindergarten.. but I know it it recommended to have shorts.. you know, for hygiene. so I used my Emily pattern - the shorts (size 86-92) and added them below the skirt to make it a skort.
And these are my kids starting the first day of school
Last for today.. I am trying a new dress for myself. My first version (draft) of it is made off heavy jersey fabric. I am not sure if the problems I see in the dress are due to the fabric choice.. I hope to gather the nerve to cut the cute fabric that I have so little of for the real dress soon..
It feels more like the a new year than the formal new year holiday that will be in three weeks. So i made some new years decisions...
My number 1 decision - buy less patterns! Since I started buy pdf patterns I buy way too much.. and only use half... at best. So, NO! buy one only, and only if this is my next item in my to do list!
My second decision is - use as much stash fabric as I can.. I have so much cottons, some of it I should use really fast, before my three years old grows out of the childish prints...
My third decision - when I find a stretch fabric that I like.. buy a lot of it... I never have enough of these..
My forth decision - try at least one new pattern every month. The rest can be doing the same thing over and over because I usually make leggings and simple tops for me. But at least one new pattern a month should help me learn new things...
So here's the new pattern of September - Mccall 6066. It is a simple skirt with two layers, one is attached to the waist to make it look unique. The sizing is 3-6.
I made size 3 for my three years old. I just looked at the instructions briefly to make sure I understand how to use all the pattern pieces... didn't even bother to read. It really is a very easy pattern!
Sizing is a bit big - I think the skirt I made will be great also for next year, all I will have to do is change the elastic... maybe even another year. It is that big!
Changes I made to this pattern - well, I wanted the skirt to be for the first day of kindergarten.. but I know it it recommended to have shorts.. you know, for hygiene. so I used my Emily pattern - the shorts (size 86-92) and added them below the skirt to make it a skort.
And these are my kids starting the first day of school
Last for today.. I am trying a new dress for myself. My first version (draft) of it is made off heavy jersey fabric. I am not sure if the problems I see in the dress are due to the fabric choice.. I hope to gather the nerve to cut the cute fabric that I have so little of for the real dress soon..
Saturday, August 16, 2014
more of the "Ceci Shorts"
Hi all..
I am still sewing for tweens..mostly...
my almost 11 years old is physically changing. It's becoming a problem to find clothes that look nice on her and that she likes and I approve of. The main issue is shorts and swimsuits.. So I found myself sewing those..
I tried several shorts patterns.. didn't like them (I don't like writing negative reviews.. I tend to skip these reviews), so I returned to the Ceci shorts. I already made them before, (see here) and they go up to only size 8... I had to enlarge it over and over and change... it took several attempts but I managed... I give you the Ceci shorts enlarged about 2 sizes!!!
This is my girl
while writing, I have another Ceci pants on the table. My girls wears them a lot, they look cute on her, and they are even good for school. What else can I ask for???
Next I made a swimming suit..Had to.. really, couldn't find a nice suit for her that will fit and will be too tiny... I chose Kwiksew pattern 2605, size 12. Really easy and cute!!! I don't feel comfortable posting picture of my girl in swimsuit anymore... so you'll have to believe me, it looks great! it it not too revealing and yet not to modest for her. The perfect compromise.
Next I wanted to make something cute for my three years old girl.. she has so many dresses that I still have from her older sisters that I barely bother making anything for her... but I took a look lately in my fabrics closet... wow.. so many cottons, and I barely sew quilting cottons anymore.. I has to at least use of a little bit. I chose the Megan dress... made at least 10 times this past year...
Coming up next... some sewing for myself... or so I hope!
I am still sewing for tweens..mostly...
my almost 11 years old is physically changing. It's becoming a problem to find clothes that look nice on her and that she likes and I approve of. The main issue is shorts and swimsuits.. So I found myself sewing those..
I tried several shorts patterns.. didn't like them (I don't like writing negative reviews.. I tend to skip these reviews), so I returned to the Ceci shorts. I already made them before, (see here) and they go up to only size 8... I had to enlarge it over and over and change... it took several attempts but I managed... I give you the Ceci shorts enlarged about 2 sizes!!!
This is my girl
while writing, I have another Ceci pants on the table. My girls wears them a lot, they look cute on her, and they are even good for school. What else can I ask for???
Next I made a swimming suit..Had to.. really, couldn't find a nice suit for her that will fit and will be too tiny... I chose Kwiksew pattern 2605, size 12. Really easy and cute!!! I don't feel comfortable posting picture of my girl in swimsuit anymore... so you'll have to believe me, it looks great! it it not too revealing and yet not to modest for her. The perfect compromise.
Next I wanted to make something cute for my three years old girl.. she has so many dresses that I still have from her older sisters that I barely bother making anything for her... but I took a look lately in my fabrics closet... wow.. so many cottons, and I barely sew quilting cottons anymore.. I has to at least use of a little bit. I chose the Megan dress... made at least 10 times this past year...
Coming up next... some sewing for myself... or so I hope!
Friday, July 11, 2014
More of the Maria Dress
Sometimes I find these patterns.. where one is not enough. The Maria dress is such a dress.
I showed you before the first items I made out of this dress.. right here
But since then I made it again.. and again.. and again...
For both girls for Shavoot. My 7 years old dress if from the white lycra and lace I got two months ago. I think her dress is wroth the 45 NOS I paid for the fabric!!!
Them my sister, 10 years younger than me and I guess about 20 kg less... asked for a dress too. I was happy to make her. I used size 14 of the dress and expanded it just a bit. How pretty, right???
I guess it makes it more than just a great tween pattern, it's also a slim women pattern!
So I decided.. so what if I'm so fatter then I should be.. I also deserve a dress. It doesn't look so nice on me as it is on my sister.. but what the hell..
Will I ever be thin again?
Now, just so you don't think I'm making only dresses.. I actually make a lot of stuff... but most of them are not worth a mention, juts simple leggings and shorts for the kids, I don't really have the time lately to challenge myself with new patterns, with complicated projects. I know it'll get easier, in 1-2 years.. but at the moment between work and kids...
so I'll just show a little of what I've made recently.. From the floral pink Jersey fabric from two months ago. two Olivia dress to use as night gowns, and legging for my three years old. again - worth the money I paid for it.
And last for this post - the cakes and muffins I prepared for three years old for their birthday last week... I wanted to make more.. but I didn't have the time...
On another note.. many cities in Israel are under the non ending missile attacks.. I wish us all a quiet night, and hoping to have piece as soon as possible!
I showed you before the first items I made out of this dress.. right here
But since then I made it again.. and again.. and again...
For both girls for Shavoot. My 7 years old dress if from the white lycra and lace I got two months ago. I think her dress is wroth the 45 NOS I paid for the fabric!!!
Them my sister, 10 years younger than me and I guess about 20 kg less... asked for a dress too. I was happy to make her. I used size 14 of the dress and expanded it just a bit. How pretty, right???
I guess it makes it more than just a great tween pattern, it's also a slim women pattern!
So I decided.. so what if I'm so fatter then I should be.. I also deserve a dress. It doesn't look so nice on me as it is on my sister.. but what the hell..
Will I ever be thin again?
Now, just so you don't think I'm making only dresses.. I actually make a lot of stuff... but most of them are not worth a mention, juts simple leggings and shorts for the kids, I don't really have the time lately to challenge myself with new patterns, with complicated projects. I know it'll get easier, in 1-2 years.. but at the moment between work and kids...
so I'll just show a little of what I've made recently.. From the floral pink Jersey fabric from two months ago. two Olivia dress to use as night gowns, and legging for my three years old. again - worth the money I paid for it.
And last for this post - the cakes and muffins I prepared for three years old for their birthday last week... I wanted to make more.. but I didn't have the time...
On another note.. many cities in Israel are under the non ending missile attacks.. I wish us all a quiet night, and hoping to have piece as soon as possible!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
I went shopping last Friday with a friend of mine. She lives right near me, but with the kids... we never meet! and we rarely shop together. This time we did and it was great.
I decided I need to follow up the fabrics that I buy, I will feel much better if I see a list of items made against the fabrics I bought.. I'll feel better for spending the money!
So here's the list of fabric that I bought this time...
These two first fabrics, white stretch and white lace, 1 meter of each, are meant for a Maria dress for Shavoot for my 7 years old.Bought them from "Kairi fabrics" for 25 NIS the lace and 20 the white stretch fabric.
also from this store I got these pretty stretch fabrics, 2 metes of the pine (I think...), 2.5 from the dotted blue, (meant for a dress for me... what d you say? too young???) and 2 meters from the floral pink... each meter for 20 shekels.. I think. Hope I remember well!
These fabrics are from "Habait Shel Silvi". I love the fabrics there... The floral denim I had doubts abouts.. it's 1.5 meters for 35 NIS. It took me awhile but now I think it'll be a pretty shorts for my girls...
The red fabric is.. I am not sure what, also from the same store, about a meter, got it for 10 shekels. looks like it'll be also good for shorts. The purple one.. it's a jersey. also 1.5 meters for 35 NIS... will make a top for myself.

The next fabrics are from Kashi. Also one of my favorite stores. The denim is black, with stretch.. I think I bought 2 meters (25 shekels each meter). the floral baby cord is a leftover, I think it'll make the cutest shorts for my one of the girls, and it cost only 10 shekels.
The next three fabrics are just cute stuff I found, don't recall the names of the stores. The floral is swimsuit fabric. will be good for something. it's a thick lycra.. 15 shekels per meter (I go only 1 meter). The denim is with some stretch, I think it cost 20 Shekels per meter. (again, I got only 1 meter).The last one is ruffle fabric. Last year I made from a similar fabric sleeveless tops for my 10 years old and for me, it was great. I think I will make more of those...
Ok then, I think this time all the fabric that I got have a project intended for them. I hope by the end of the Summer to display for each item what was made of it, and conclude.. well, that it was worth the money and that I really should go shopping again!!!
I decided I need to follow up the fabrics that I buy, I will feel much better if I see a list of items made against the fabrics I bought.. I'll feel better for spending the money!
So here's the list of fabric that I bought this time...
These two first fabrics, white stretch and white lace, 1 meter of each, are meant for a Maria dress for Shavoot for my 7 years old.Bought them from "Kairi fabrics" for 25 NIS the lace and 20 the white stretch fabric.
also from this store I got these pretty stretch fabrics, 2 metes of the pine (I think...), 2.5 from the dotted blue, (meant for a dress for me... what d you say? too young???) and 2 meters from the floral pink... each meter for 20 shekels.. I think. Hope I remember well!
These fabrics are from "Habait Shel Silvi". I love the fabrics there... The floral denim I had doubts abouts.. it's 1.5 meters for 35 NIS. It took me awhile but now I think it'll be a pretty shorts for my girls...
The red fabric is.. I am not sure what, also from the same store, about a meter, got it for 10 shekels. looks like it'll be also good for shorts. The purple one.. it's a jersey. also 1.5 meters for 35 NIS... will make a top for myself.
The next fabrics are from Kashi. Also one of my favorite stores. The denim is black, with stretch.. I think I bought 2 meters (25 shekels each meter). the floral baby cord is a leftover, I think it'll make the cutest shorts for my one of the girls, and it cost only 10 shekels.
The next three fabrics are just cute stuff I found, don't recall the names of the stores. The floral is swimsuit fabric. will be good for something. it's a thick lycra.. 15 shekels per meter (I go only 1 meter). The denim is with some stretch, I think it cost 20 Shekels per meter. (again, I got only 1 meter).The last one is ruffle fabric. Last year I made from a similar fabric sleeveless tops for my 10 years old and for me, it was great. I think I will make more of those...
Ok then, I think this time all the fabric that I got have a project intended for them. I hope by the end of the Summer to display for each item what was made of it, and conclude.. well, that it was worth the money and that I really should go shopping again!!!
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